Tempeh: Three Proven Techniques to Remove The Bitterness

If you have ever cooked tempeh or are doing it for the first time, you will notice bitterness on it. In this article, I will teach you three ways to remove the bitterness! And don’t worry, it is pretty straightforward and does not take longer than 15 minutes.

This bitterness is there because tempeh is made from fermented soybeans, and the fermentation process can leave behind bitter compounds.

Method 1: Blanching

Blanching is a simple and effective way to remove bitterness from tempeh. To do this, first, slice the tempeh into the desired size and shape. Then, bring a pot of water to a boil and add the tempeh. Let it boil for 5-10 minutes, then drain and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process.

Blanching works by removing some of the bitter compounds from the tempeh. It also helps to soften the tempeh, making it more tender and easier to cook with.

Method 2: Steaming

Steaming is another method that works well for removing bitterness from tempeh. 

To steam tempeh, first slice it into the desired size and shape. Then, place the tempeh in a steamer basket and steam it for 10-15 minutes.

Steaming helps soften the tempeh and removes some of the bitter compounds. This method is an excellent way to cook the tempeh without adding extra moisture, as blanching can make the tempeh too wet.

Method 3: Microwave

Microwaving is a quick and easy way to remove bitterness from tempeh. First, slice the tempeh into the desired size and shape. Then, place the tempeh in a microwave-safe dish and add enough water to cover it.

Microwave it on high for 2-3 minutes, then drain and rinse with cold water.

Microwaving helps to soften the tempeh and remove some of the bitter compounds. It’s an ideal method if you’re short on time and want to cook the tempeh quickly.

Bonus Method: Marinating

Marinating is a great option if you want to add some extra flavour to your tempeh while removing the bitterness. However, this method works better if combined with one of the other three methods. 

To marinate tempeh, first, slice it into the desired size and use one of the methods above (Boil, steam or microwave it). Then, mix a marinade of your choice (such as soy sauce, vinegar, or lemon juice) and let the tempeh soak in it for at least 30 minutes.

Marinating not only adds flavour but also helps to break down some of the bitter compounds in the tempeh. This technique is fantastic if you want to add some extra flavour to your tempeh before cooking it.


Removing bitterness from tempeh is easy and can be done using any of these three methods. So whether you prefer blanching, steaming, or marinating, you can enjoy delicious, non-bitter tempeh in just a few minutes. So go ahead and give it a try, and let me know which method works best for you!

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